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IT Consulting, Cloud Computing Services
and IT Support Services for Small Business

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North Reading, MA  
(978) 423-2000  
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iTechPro provides the highest quality technology services, in the most cost-effective manner, in order to facilitate the mission of the businesses and individuals we serve.

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Danvers, MA
iTechPro is happy to provide Small Business IT consulting, Cloud Computing Services and IT Support Services in Danvers, MA.

iTechPro is a certified Microsoft Small Business Specialist company and an authorized Microsoft Office 365 Cloud Computing Partner. iTechPro provides support to Danvers, MA clients through on-site visits, remote control sessions, phone support and email correspondence.

iTechPro’s SMB IT Consulting in Danvers, MA provides clients with expert professional services such as client–server network design and implementation, system administration and maintenance, help desk support and cutting edge cloud computing options. iTechPro offers clients customized support plans with fixed monthly fees to ensure predictable costs while providing maximum system reliability, security and uptime. iTechPro offers the best in patch management, malware protection, spam management and data backup solutions. iTechPro takes great pride in our professionalism, fast response time and the extreme satisfaction of our small business clients.

Danvers, MA SMB IT Consulting Services
Network Design and Deployment
System Administration
Desktop Support
Maintenance Plans
Data Protection and Backup Systems
Wireless Networking
Mobile and Remote Computing
Hardware and Software Sales

iTechPro's Cloud Computing Services:  Cloud Computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. Because the service provider provides the infrastructure and hosts both the application and the data, the end user is free to use the service from anywhere. Simple examples would be Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo email services or Web-based programs that store photos online, such as Flickr.  These companies provide the infrastructure (servers, etc.) and host the application (email server software, photo organization software) and the data (your emails, contacts, calendar, photos, etc.) and it's all accessed by you through the Internet with no need for any installed software on the computer (other than a web browser). iTechPro provides Danvers, MA with several cloud based services - from the complete solution like Office 365 to individual solutions that serve to enhance existing systems.

Danvers, MA SMB Cloud Computing Services
Microsoft Office 365
Cloud Desktop Management (soon)
Cloud Migration Services
Advanced Email Services
Cloud Stored Data Backup
Cloud Based Rapid Recovery Disaster Services
Web Site and Email Hosting
DNS Security Services
Domain Name Management

iTechPro’s IT Support Services in Danvers, MA provides clients with unmatched on-site, remote, phone and email IT support services for computers, smartphones and tablets. Whether it's software, hardware or network issues, iTechPro can diagnose and resolve the problem. iTechPro helps clients keep pace with security updates. In addition to Microsoft updates, iTechPro tracks and updates over 100 common third party Windows apps including:  Java, Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, Adobe Air, Adobe Shockwave, Adobe Acrobat, FireFox, Apple software (Safari, iTunes, QuickTime), Google Chrome and Skype. Whatever the situation, we will work to make sure the work is done quickly, thoroughly and correctly.  iTechPro takes great pride in our friendliness, professionalism, extensive knowledge and the genuine satisfaction of our small business clients.

Danvers, MA SMB IT Support Services
Software Support Services
Hardware Support Services
Security Patch Management
Smartphone and Tablet Support
Data Backup / Transfer
Hardware and Software Sales
Remote Support
Support Delivery Options

Established in 2005 | References available upon request

About Danvers MA

17th centuryDanvers MA
The land that is now Danvers was once controlled by the Naumkeag branch of the Massachusett tribe. Around 1630, settlers converted an existing Naumkeag trail into the Old Ipswich Road, creating a connection to the main cities of Salem and Boston. Danvers was permanently settled in 1636 as Salem Village, and eventually petitioned the Crown for a charter as a town. According to legend, the King, rather than signing the charter, returned it with the message "The King Unwilling." On June 9, 1757, however, the town was incorporated anyway, and the King's rebuff was defiantly given a place on the town's seal. The town was named for the Danvers Osborn family.

The historical event for which Danvers is probably most well-known is the Witch Hysteria of 1692. The house of one of the convicted "witches," Rebecca Nurse, is still standing in Danvers and can be visited as a historical landmark.

18th century

From the Battle of Lexington onward, Danvers has been represented in the Armed Forces. Noteworthy Revolutionary figures who stayed in Danvers include Royal Governor General Thomas Gage and Benedict Arnold.

19th century

In 1847, the railroad came to Danvers. A street railway was also installed in 1884, originally consisting of horse-drawn trolleys that were later converted to electricity.

The Town Hall was built in 1855 and, though it has undergone modifications and renovations several times, still stands today. In the same year, the southern portion of Danvers broke away to become the town of South Danvers, later renamed Peabody.

In 1878, the Danvers State Hospital opened its doors.

Originally an agricultural town, Danvers farmers developed two breeds of vegetables: the Danvers Onion (origin of the "Oniontown" nickname) and the Danvers Half-Long Carrot. This carrot was introduced by "market gardeners" in 1871. There was also a booming shoe industry in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with successful manufacturing companies like Ideal Baby Shoe.

Recent Events
Chemical Plant Explosion

2006 Danvers Chemical Fire

On November 22, 2006, around 2:45 a.m., a major chemical explosion occurred at a facility housing Arnel Company (a manufacturer of industrial-use paint products) and CAI Inc. (a manufacturer of solvents and inks). The blast shook several North Shore towns—knocking homes off foundations and damaging buildings up to half a mile away. Glass windows shattered at least three miles (5 km) away, in neighboring Peabody and even in downtown Salem. The explosion was heard and felt up to 45 miles (72 km) away; the concussion was intense. According to many witnesses, it seemed like an airplane had crashed.

At least 10 people were taken to local hospitals. No one was killed, and none of the injuries were life-threatening, according to Fire Chief Jim Tutko. Approximately 90 homes were damaged. Residents whose homes were damaged or destroyed in the blast were taken to Danvers High School, where the Red Cross established a relief shelter. The blast occurred next to a marina, a bakery & pizza shop, and a gas station, and across the street from Eastern Propane Gas Inc.

January 2007 — In late November, the State Fire Marshal determined the explosion was not caused by an intentional act. No cause has been determined. State and Federal investigations are ongoing. Members of the US Chemical Safety Board investigating the accident have stated that this is one of the most difficult investigations the Board has ever undertaken, and that it will likely be 12 to 18 months before a final report is released by the agency.

Other current events

In 2002, Danvers celebrated its 250th anniversary with special events throughout the year.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danvers,_Massachusetts