IT Consulting Services
& Non-Maintenance Tasks Defined
Maintenance: Computers will be worked on in order of
importance starting with the servers and then the workstations
in the order designated by the client. Maintenance tasks
will be done in the following order as time allows:
Packs for Windows, Windows Critical Updates, Windows
Important Updates, Exchange Updates
Apple Software Updates for Macs
Microsoft Office service packs and updates
Service Packs and Updates for application software.
iTechPro tracks and updates over 100 common
third party Windows apps including: Java, Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, Adobe Air, Adobe Shockwave, Adobe Acrobat, FireFox, Apple software
(Safari, iTunes, QuickTime), Google Chrome, Skype.
Check functionality of existing antivirus and
antispyware security software, existing software firewalls and existing backup systems.
Delete unneeded temporary files to free up disk space
and improve performance
Check Event Log for issues that may need to be
Version upgrades of software such as productivity
software, threat protection software, backup software, accounting software (QuickBooks), etc.
Non-Maintenance: Typical non-maintenance tasks might
and resolve internet, network, server or computer
software or hardware malfunctions
Set up of new computers and reassigning roles of
existing computers
New software or hardware installation (printers,
scanners, etc.)
Virus removal or operating system repair
Data transfers, setup or resolution of issues with
backup systems
Tech support or configuration adjustments on desktops,
laptops and servers or related software
Tech support or configuration adjustments on mobile
devices such as iPhone, Android, Windows and Blackberry phones, etc.
Tech support of configuration adjustments on tablet
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